Formula Resources

From UofL General Peds

Formulas not preferred by WIC

In order to get this formula... You must first try these Good Start formulas for 72 hours:
Cow's milk-based formula (Enfamil Premium, Similac Advance, etc.) 1st Trial: Good Start Gentle
2nd Trial: Good Start Soothe
Soy-based formula (Enfamil ProSobee, Similac Soy lsomil, etc.) 1st Trial: Good Start Soy
2nd Trial: Good Start Soothe (if no milk allergy)
Milk-based lactose free/reduced lactose formula (Enfamil Gentlease, Similac Sensitive, etc.) 1st Trial: Good Start Soothe
2nd Trail: Good Start Soy
Infant/toddler milk-based formulas (Similac Go & Grow, Enfamil Toddler) 1st Trial: Good Star Gentle
2nd Trail: Good Start Soothe
Infant/toddler soy-based formulas (Enfamil Transitions Toddler soy-based) 1st Trial: Good Start Soy
2nd Trial: Good Start Soothe (if no milk allergy)

See the full letter from WIC on nonstandard formula here.

Increasing caloric density

Formula recipes file provided by the WIC office.